
A summary of the project

The Centre culturel Artem, a non-profit cultural organization located in Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, was aiming to broaden its horizons in order to better meet its mission and objectives. Without the development of new initiatives, Artem understood the difficulty of becoming a leader in the deployment of arts and culture in the region. Artem also realized that the region, communities and people had a lot to share with others. This inspired the development of the Temiskaming interactive circuit (TiC) project.

A project that incorporates the key elements of community capacity development, community engagement and community assets with the use of the internet and mobile devices.

As a primary goal, this project aimed to find an innovative and affordable way to promote the touristic and cultural aspects of the area Temiskaming region.  As the project evolved, the concept of the health circuits emerged and were added to the project.

Users have the option of listening, reading or seeing the tours via smart phones or electronic tablets. In the context of this project, these tours are offered free of charge to its various users, whom could be pedestrians, motorists, motorcyclists or even cyclists.

This Interactive Community Tour project of Temiskaming has established:

  • 6 historical and/or cultural tours
  • Three health circuits, in which cardio versions are also available for those up to the challenge.  The health circuits are only available in french.

Partners of the project

This project was possible thanks to the support of its numerous financial partners and volunteers.

Thank you to our guides, to those who provided us with anecdotes, photos, texts, to our editors, our translators, and those individuals who recorded audios and videos. Furthermore, we would like to thank all of the community members who participated, directly or indirectly, to this project.

Thank you to the Niska Leadership Center and to Epsidon who successfully led this project.

Centre de leadership Niska
Epsidon Inc.

Merci à nos partenaires financiers dans ce projet

Fonds d’investissement stratégique dans le secteur culturel (FISSC), Ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport
Fonds pour les communautés en santé de l’Ontario, Ministère de la santé et des soins de longue durée
Réseau de recherche appliquée pour la santé des francophones
La fondation Trillium de l’Ontario
La société de gestion du fonds du patrimoine du nord de l’Ontario

http://nohfc.ca/fr Le fonds expression de FAC à l’appui des langues officielles du Canada – Financement agricole Canada
www.fcc-fac.ca Centre de santé communautaire du Témiskaming

Project Development Guide

We have prepared a development guide as part of the Temiskaming interactive circuits project.

This guide will outline the steps in which the Centre cultural Artem undertook in order to develop the project.

This manual is a tool to provide an overview of the necessary steps.  Boards of directors, business owners, employees and consultants can build on the work that has been done in order to help develop their own interactive tour projects in their respective communities.

Artem assumes neither rights nor responsibility for groups who use this guide in future projects and their respective development.

However, we would like to wish the best of luck to those who choose to build on the work Artem has done with regards to this project.

TiC Project Development Guide